Pastor Sarah Harper
Pastor Sarah Harper is a Pastor after the heart of God that feeds his people with knowledge and understanding. Prophetically, it has been confirmed that Pastor Harper’s ministry is much like Moses, not only to deliver and lead but also to stand in the gap for the oppressed. Until this day, she is dedicated to soul winning, and passionate about seeing God’s people walk in wisdom.
Pastor Harper was born March 9, 1952 in Shiloh Georgia to the late Ida Mae and Jessie Dozier. She is the twelfth of twenty children.
On June 3, 1976 the Spirit of God came upon her in the confinement of her bedroom. Beyond doubt, she recognized it was the power of God, though she was never taught or coached about the presence of God. The Holy Spirit started cleansing her feet then moved upwards until she felt a release through the crown of her head. Immediately, she whispered, “I’ve been born again, I’ve been born again”. She then fell to the floor as God continued his supernatural deliverance and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior.
Pastor Harper immediately became a witness for the Lord. She began prayer ministry in her home and birthed out prayer warriors. Shortly following she joined Fountain of Praise Deliverance Ministry and was ordained a Missionary.
Later she began to evangelize.
After nearly a decade of ministering to numerous individuals with a shepherd’s heart, the Lord so divinely called Pastor Sarah Harper to formally begin pastoral ministry in 1984. Initially called “Ministry of the Holy Spirit”, God visited her and showed her the various “ministries” that would be birth out. So in obedience, she renamed the church “Ministries of the Holy Spirit”, Inc.
Since the establishment of Ministries of the Holy Spirit, some have been released to start their ministry.
Pastor Harper oversees Living Word Worship Center (Pastor Randy Wright) in Atlanta, GA and Divine Love and Restoration church (Pastor Elizabeth Heath) in Decatur, GA.
Outreach ministries that are under Ministries of the Holy Spirit include; “Let Freedom Ring”, “Woman to Woman”, “Daughters of Destiny” and “Motivating Others to Higher Standards (MOTHS)”
In addition to her ministerial certification from Morris Cerullo School of Ministry, Pastor Sarah Harper received her credentials under the tutelage of Dr. Bond. She has completed the Morehouse School of Medicine curriculum for Counseling and Drug & Alcohol Abuse. She received her high school diploma from James Madison High School and her C.N.A. credential from Atlanta Technical College. Pastor Harper also received her Diploma in Biblical Studies from The Women Institute of Ministry.
Currently Pastor Harper is an Adjunct Professor at International Apostolic University of Grace and Truth and is presently enrolled at New Life Apostolic School of the Prophets pursing her Doctoral Degree.
Until his death in 2002, Apostle Michael Brown of Kingdom Life Ministries in Rutledge, Georgia served as covering for Pastor Harper and in 2003 until 2011 Apostle Monroe Hodges of City of God Church in Fayetteville, Georgia served as her covering.
Currently Pastor Harper is a member of New Life Apostolic Miracle and Deliverance Ministry where Bishop Charlie and Overseer Mary L. Parker serves as her covering.
She is the wife of Emmett Harper and the proud mother of two beautiful daughters and a handsome son. She also has 3 granddaughters.
Her mission is to win the lost at any cost for the kingdom of God and to instill that mission to her sheep.