Pastor Wanda A. Cail
Pastor Wanda Anita Cail is the daughter of the Eternal Life In Jesus Ministries’ Presiding Prelate, Bishop C.E. White and National Mother Juanita White. She was ordained as an Evangelist on June 24, 2001. Pastor Cail has remained dedicated to ministry and obedient to the call of God. This steadfastness opened the door for her to become the Assistant Pastor of the St. John Apostolic Holiness Church in Tucker, Georgia. Her father, and then Pastor, Bishop C.E. White appointed her to the office of Assistant Pastor on July 22, 2007, and she was installed to the office on March 21, 2009. She served faithfully as the Assistant Pastor until Bishop C.E. White saw fit to install her as Pastor on January 12, 2013. As Pastor of the St. John Apostolic Holiness Church Pastor Cail has inspired the congregation with her vision of “No More Church As Usual,” and the Church continues to flourish.
Pastor Cail accepted the Lord Jesus Christ at an early age, and was actively involved in the work of the church. She has served in various capacities such as Sunday School Teacher, Choir Director, and President of the Youth Department, National Youth Supervisor, member of the Nurses Guild and member of the Trustee Board. From the business side she also served as the Church Administrator.
In July, 1997, during a Women’s Prayer Retreat, Evangelist Karen Dones spoke a word of prophesy over Pastor Cail’s life and she began to hear the call of God. On Sunday, October 25, 1998, Pastor Cail acknowledged the call of God on her life to teach God’s Word. On August 3, 1999, she founded Restoration Life Outreach Ministries, making full proof of her ministry. The ministry started out as a community Bible Study in the home of Fred and Janet Barber her brother-in-law and sister. The Bible Study started with 27 people. This was the seed that has grown into a far reaching Ministry. The Ministry has the dual purpose of teaching the Word of God, with the heart to serve and help others. Over the past 13 years Pastor Cail has served Metro Atlanta by sponsoring seminars, retreats, mentoring and counseling sessions, provided toys for children, care packages, clothes, and food and gift baskets for the disadvantaged, homeless, incarcerated and the elderly.
In November, 2003, with a longing to bring the message of Salvation to hurting women, Pastor Cail became actively involved with the women incarcerated at the Metro Transitional Center (MTC). As a compassionate servant of the Lord she started taking clothes, shoes, and grooming products to the residents. The word quickly spread, and the Lord opened the door for her to bring her anointed life changing ministry behind the doors of MTC. Pastor Cail continues to minister to the women of MTC through monthly worship services, weekly Bible studies, and individual Pastoral counseling. To further encourage the women, Restoration publishes a monthly pamphlet called “Relationship”, and sponsors special events such as retreats throughout the year. During the Holidays Restoration sponsors an Annual Christmas Celebration which includes a Worship Service, dinner and gift bags for all 250 residents.