Bishop Lucille Muldrow
Bishop Lucille Muldrow has been preaching the gospel for over 30 years. She currently serves as senior pastor of Higher Faith Ministries located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pastor Muldrow is truly a woman after God’s own heart. She has conducted many soul saving revivals, taught in various conferences and has also ministered through the Hamilton County Justice Center work release program. Pastor Muldrow along with the Higher Faith congregation has a passion for reaching the lost and encouraging believers with the message of Gods amazing grace through Jesus Christ. They are committed to fulfilling the great commission God has entrusted to them by reaching one, teaching one, sending one, to win one.
Their joint efforts has produced hands on ministries such as, The Church in Lincoln Heights Taking it to the Streets, Helping Hands Outreach Ministry, (a winter feeding and clothing program), and a year round community pantry. Bishop Muldrow is visible in the community and activity involved in various civic organizations. She also serves on several boards that purpose is to enhance human relationships in different areas of society.
Pastor Muldrow attended the Billy Graham School of evangelism in Toronto, Canada. In nineteen ninety six she founded and continues to teach a school for ministers in which four groups of ministers have graduated and are currently active in the ministry.
She is also the founding Pastor of Higher Faith Ministries and has a supportive staff of pastor’s, elders, evangelist’s, minister’s and deacon’s.
Bishop Muldrow was married to the late Daniel Muldrow Sr. for more than forty years. They have two adult children, five grandchildren and one great granddaughter.
She continues to use her God-given gifts to nurture the church and community, passing on to the next generation a legacy of faith.